Friday, February 22, 2008

"...frame your mind to mirth and merriment,
which bars a thousand harms and lengthens life."

~ William Shakespeare
Taming of the Shrew

Please join us on Sunday, Feb. 24 from noon to 3SLT at Serenity Hall, Winterfell, for an afternoon of feasting, dancing and socializing in fine Elizabethan style! Dress in your best Elizabethan finery or come as your favorite Shakespearean character. Come when you're able and stay as long as you like.

DJ Elrik Merlin of Radio Riel will play medieval and Renaissance hits for your dancing pleasure.

While you're here, we can show you around the manor and you're free to wander the grounds as well. Don't let the ghosts scare you! They're only mildly malevolent.

This event will be broadcast on Radio Riel live and can be heard on their Events Stream.

For those looking for some ideas for Shakespearean characters, look here.

We look forward to seeing you!
Mickey James & Morgana Fillion

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