Saturday, December 23, 2006

And so it begins

I should have done this 90 days ago, to capture what it was like to be a stranger in a strange land - figuring out how to get the inevitable box off my head, wandering Second Life with the freshest of eyes. I would have told you about the mysterious disappearance of my horse from my inventory not five minutes after I gave her name (my first experience with SL heartbreak - getting emotionally involved is so risky!), about how my partner Mickey and I bought and joined our little plots of First Land, and then bought space in Winterfell after visiting there a dozen time and asking ourselves if we were ready for this kind of commitment.

But I didn't, so this is better late than never. I will be sharing places we love, new places we find, and no doubt gushing over purchases because in Second Life, I am a total shopaholic. I am just barely learning how to build and will brag and moan about that as well.

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